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Vault Secrets Operator



For this lab youre going to need kubectl, helm and jq installed.

Also in your terraform.tfvars:

# terraform.tfvars
kubernetes = {
  enabled                  = true
  vault_secrets_operator   = true

You then can bootstrap the cluster using make bootstrap


The following resources will be created:

  1. The Vault Secrets Operator Helm Chart is going to be installed in the vso Namespace.
  2. A Kubernetes Auth Role vso bound to the vso Namespace & Service Account
  3. KVv2 Secrets under vso/secrets containing 2 Example Secrets
  4. A policy (vso) that allows reading /vso/secrets Secrets
  5. A CRD VaultAuth pointing to the Vault Server
  6. A CRD VaultStaticSecret that creates a Kubernetes Secrets synchronized with the values stored in /vso/secrets


The Vault Secrets Operator (VSO) is going to be installed in the vso namespace using the Helm Chart.

 $> helm list -n vso
NAME    NAMESPACE       REVISION        UPDATED                                         STATUS          CHART                           APP VERSION
vso     vso             1               2023-10-26 09:46:49.280228437 +0200 CEST        deployed        vault-secrets-operator-0.3.4    0.3.4

Additionally, a Vault Kubernetes Auth Role bounded to the Namespace and the default Service Account has been created:

# https://localhost/ui/vault/access/minikube-cluster/item/role/show/vso
$> vault read auth/minikube-cluster/role/vso
Key                                 Value
---                                 -----
alias_name_source                   serviceaccount_uid
bound_service_account_names         [default]
bound_service_account_namespaces    [vso]
token_bound_cidrs                   []
token_explicit_max_ttl              0s
token_max_ttl                       0s
token_no_default_policy             false
token_num_uses                      0
token_period                        0s
token_policies                      [vso]
token_ttl                           1h
token_type                          default

Also KVv2 Secrets under /vso/secrets/ have been created:

# https://localhost/ui/vault/secrets/vso/kv/secrets/details?version=1
$> vault kv get vso/secrets
== Secret Path ==

======= Metadata =======
Key                Value
---                -----
created_time       2023-10-26T07:46:46.998244367Z
custom_metadata    <nil>
deletion_time      n/a
destroyed          false
version            1

====== Data ======
Key         Value
---         -----
password    P@ssw0rd
username    Admin

A corresponding policy vso that allows reading the esm secrets has also been crated:

# https://localhost/ui/vault/policy/acl/vso
$> vault policy read vso
path "vso/" {
  capabilities = ["read", "list"]

path "vso/*" {
  capabilities = ["read", "list"]

A CRD VaultAuth has been created:

$> cat minikube/vso/vault_auth.yml
kind: VaultAuth
  name: vso-vault-auth
  namespace: vso
  method: kubernetes
  mount: minikube-cluster
    role: vso
    serviceAccount: defaul
$> kubectl get vso-vault-auth -n vso
NAME             AGE
vso-vault-auth   22m

And a CRD VaultStaticSecret:

$> cat minikube/vso/vault_static_secret.yml
kind: VaultStaticSecret
  name: vso-vault-static-secret
  namespace: vso
  type: kv-v2
  mount: vso
  path: secrets
    name: vso-secret
    create: true
  refreshAfter: 30s
  vaultAuthRef: vso-vault-auth
$> kubectl get vso-vault-static-secret -n vso
NAME                      AGE
vso-vault-static-secret   23m

Finally, a Kubernetes Secret containing the KVv2 Secrets from /esm/secrets/ has been created:

$> kubectl get secret -n vso vso-secret -o json | jq '.data | map_values(@base64d)'
  "_raw": "{\"data\":{\"password\":\"P@ssw0rd\",\"username\":\"Admin\"},\"metadata\":{\"created_time\":\"2023-10-26T07:46:46.998244367Z\",\"custom_metadata\":null,\"deletion_time\":\"\",\"destroyed\":false,\"version\":1}}",
  "password": "P@ssw0rd",
  "username": "Admin"

You can update the secrets stored in Vault:

$> vault kv patch vso/secrets username=new-value
== Secret Path ==

======= Metadata =======
Key                Value
---                -----
created_time       2023-11-13T12:11:09.131740262Z
custom_metadata    <nil>
deletion_time      n/a
destroyed          false
version            3

And see how the vso-secret gets the new value after 60s:

$> kubectl get secret -n vso vso-secret -o json | jq '.data | map_values(@base64d)'
  "_raw": "{\"data\":{\"password\":\"P@ssw0rd\",\"username\":\"new-value\"},\"metadata\":{\"created_time\":\"2023-11-13T12:13:54.810581162Z\",\"custom_metadata\":null,\"deletion_time\":\"\",\"de
  "password": "P@ssw0rd",
  "username": "new-value"

Addtional Resources