Generate Root¶
Using the unseal-keys we can regenarate a root token
Revoke Root¶
$> vault token revoke $VAULT_TOKEN
Success! Revoked token (if it existed)
$> vault kv get esm/secrets
Error making API request.
Code: 403. Errors:
Generate Root¶
# init generate-root process
$> vault operator generate-root -init
A One-Time-Password has been generated for you and is shown in the OTP field.
You will need this value to decode the resulting root token, so keep it safe.
Nonce b024b19a-723d-3ec1-1d26-cf30c680d068 # important
Started true
Progress 0/3
Complete false
OTP MQHg64qQAHXlOWKJHJFkXBIIisG7 # important
OTP Length 28
# because there is no tty, we have to speciy a nonce, and the unseal key via STDIN
$> NONCE=b024b19a-723d-3ec1-1d26-cf30c680d068; for v in $(tf output -json unseal_keys | jq -r '.[]'); do VAULT_ADDR="" echo $v | vault operator generate-root -nonce=$NONCE -; done
Nonce b024b19a-723d-3ec1-1d26-cf30c680d068
Started true
Progress 1/3
Complete false
Nonce b024b19a-723d-3ec1-1d26-cf30c680d068
Started true
Progress 2/3
Complete false
Nonce b024b19a-723d-3ec1-1d26-cf30c680d068
Started true
Progress 3/3
Complete true
Encoded Token JSc7SQd7KyV5GwsLBT4oKwcQIDsvKjEgEBsKfw # important
# decode token using the OTP
$> vault operator generate-root -decode JSc7SQd7KyV5GwsLBT4oKwcQIDsvKjEgEBsKfw -otp MQHg64qQAHXlOWKJHJFkXBIIisG7
$> VAULT_TOKEN=hvs.1OZt8SSgJicaOZfPwhxiyhMH vault token lookup
Key Value
--- -----
accessor WyUkIqrs4YOehRpv6d7Pn0Oe
creation_time 1699878520
creation_ttl 0s
display_name root
entity_id n/a
expire_time <nil>
explicit_max_ttl 0s
id hvs.1OZt8SSgJicaOZfPwhxiyhMH
meta <nil>
num_uses 0
orphan true
path auth/token/root
policies [root] # root token
ttl 0s
type service