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  • In thise use case a user requests kubernetes cluster credentials (token) for the local running minikube cluster
  • Boundary then requests Vault to issue credentials utilizing Vaults Kubernetes Secret Engine
  • the Token is only allowed to list pods in namespace default, as configured in the Vault Kubernetes Secret Engine
  • the user receives a service account token and can then use kubectl


For this lab youre going to need kubectl and the Boundary Desktop Application on your system.

Also in your terraform.tfvars:

# terraform.tfvars
boundary  = {
    enabled = true

kubernetes = {
  enabled = true

You then can bootstrap the cluster using

make bootstrap


Kubernetes Secret Engine

  • Vaults Secret Engine is configured for minikube for creating SAs that are allowed to LIST pods in the default namespace:
# https://localhost/ui/vault/secrets/minikube/kubernetes/roles/minikube/details


# create a pod
$> kubectl run nginx --image nginx
pod/nginx created

# request a SA token
$> vault write -f minikube/creds/minikube kubernetes_namespace=default
Key                          Value
---                          -----
lease_id                     minikube/creds/minikube/Ql9LzjyzdGk5R2Z5Z9vsA55p
lease_duration               6h
lease_renewable              false
service_account_name         v-root-minikube-1707206236-0nw6yuhbwbvei7kb8qlb1cah
service_account_namespace    default
service_account_token        eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6ImNGT0RMRDJXMGpMWjM5TFJNbHRXSXpGQUhWZGpJOEc2RnVTODQ3azBUa2sifQ.

$> kubectl config set-context empty && kubectl config use-context empty
Context "empty" modified.
Switched to context "empty".

# connect with the received SA token
$> kubectl get pod --insecure-skip-tls-verify --server= --token=<SA_TOKEN>
nginx   1/1     Running   0          117s

Boundary Settings

  • Vault is used as Boundarys KMS Server using Vaults Transit Engine (https://localhost/ui/vault/secrets/transit/list)
  • a global organization: playground
  • a projet: minikube
  • an basic auth method basic with an admin account: admin:password
  • an Admin Role, so the admin account can edit/view everything globally and project wide
  • Vault is added as a Credential Store, and has received a proper token + policy
  • Vault is used a a Credentials Library for Kubernetes SA
  • A Host Catalog minikube has been created, containing the Minikubes API Server as a Host
  • A Target minikube has been created, specifiyin the connection (tcp, port 443, ...)
  • A Role for that target has been created and added to the admin user


  • Start Boundary Desktop Application
  • Connect to the local running boundary
  • Choose the minikube Target and Click connect
# create any pod in default namespace
$> kubectl run nginx --image nginx

# create a new context
$> kubectl config set-context empty && kubectl config use-context empty

# connect with the received SA token
$> kubectl get pod --insecure-skip-tls-verify --server= --token=<SA_TOKEN>